Rocky V Movie Review

The 5th, and for years final movie in the Rocky Franchise, Rocky V was the big send-off for the character. For that reason, the film sought to bring the character back to his roots, and finalize that he is never going to fight again. It does this in the most haphazard, cruel manners it (click clip) really is quite remarkable.Source: Rocky V Movie R

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Rocky IV Movie Review

The Cold War is a pretty interesting point in history. Absolutely everyone was convinced that America and Russia would start bombing each other any moment, and while Russia was busy training it's youth how to maintain (blog post) and operate heavy armor America prioritized duck and cover techniques. On the plus side, Hollywood never let up on casti

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I riffed Leprechaun (Decker Shado video)

Leprechaun Returns is a must-see, especially if your favorite Leprechaun films are still in production. It is both gruesomely bloody and amusing at the Leprechaun Returns horror movie same time. The cast is great and the killings are a lot of fun. Leprechaun Returns during Halloween is the film to see if your looking for a hilarious, cheese-filled

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